My educational philosophy

"The only source of knowledge is experience." - Albert Einstein

I've always believed that education should be more than worksheets, more than tests, and more than lectures. Education should be work, but it shouldn't feel like it. Education should be fostering our innate curiosity and unleashing its potential. Education should develop real-world skills, yet create life-long learners. 

My best summary of my educational philosophy is a paper I wrote for my MAT. I call it "The Gift." You can read it here. 


  1. Hey,
    1- Is it just me, or is your Ed. Ph. too low resolution to read?

    2- I hope you expand the blog to include some slice-of-life stories of growing up on a homestead. That would be fun to read.

  2. Thanks Chris. I think the res on the document itself is OK, but I still have to figure out a way to get the hyperlink to another color other than that awful blue!!! I'm planning on incorporating some stories about life on the homestead - as it's a big part of me and my way of thinking about the world - upcoming here soon...
